CPU Board Assembly:
-Program the Arduino Mega (A kit will come with a preprogrammed Arduino)
-Prepare a 10 pin length, a 4 pin length, a 2 pin length and 1 pin length of header pins.
-Insert the pin headers, long side towards flag side of CPU Board. Plastic headers should be on the non-flag side of the board.
-Insert the Arduino Mega on the short pins. The Arduino should be on the non-flag side of the board.
-Flip the board flag side up and while pushing down, solder 1 pin of each header.
-Flip the board, verify alignment and solder 1 pin of each header to the Arduino.
-Solder the rest of the pins.
-From the long female pin header, break 4 x 10 pin lenghts, clean the ragged edges.
-Insert the female pins on the Arduino side of the CPU Board
-Temporarily mate the Top Board to the CPU Board
-Solder one pin of each female header
-Verify the alignment and solder the rest of the pins.
-Separate the CPU Board
-Insert the Power Connector on the Arduino Side of the CPU Board
-Flip the board and tack solder one corner of each pin. Do not apply excess heat to this connector.
-Allow to cool and go back and finish soldering the pins. Do not apply excess heat to this connector.
Top Board Assembly:
-Break 2 strips, 10 pins long from the double pin header.
-Fully insert the pin strips (short side up) from the bottom of the PCB,
-While pushing down on the PCB, solder 1 pin.
-Verify the pin strips are fully inserted and aligned properly.
-Solder the rest of the pins.
-Insert Buttons into PCB (1 red button under Enigma Logo, the rest, black)
-Solder one leg of Buttons while pushing down the PCB to keep them in alignment.
-Verify button alignment
-Solder the rest of the buttons.
-Test LEDs (temporarily mate the CPU and TOP boards, power the CPU board using the USB Cable and push the MENU key, insert an LED into the A lamp, it should light up)
-Insert LEDs into Lamp Field (short leg points towards buttons, long leg on display side)
-Double check short leg of each LED is in bottom hole.
-Solder one side of LEDs while pushing down on the PCB to keep them in alignment
-Verify LED alignment (double check LED polarity again before committing to soldering them all)
-Solder the other leg of the LEDs
-Verify the 14 Segment Displays
-Insert 14 Segment Displays on PCB (ensure the dot points down towards the lampfield)
-Solder one pin of each 14 Segment Display
-Verify 14 Segment Display alignment
-Solder the other pins
-Insert the power switch
-While pushing down on the PCB and watching the alignment, solder one pin.
-Verify alignment
-Solder the rest of the pins
-Trim the LED legs
-Trim the Power Switch legs very short, otherwise it interferes with the power connector.
PCB Bring Up (Initial Power Up)
-Mate the top board to the CPU Board
-Using a 9V battery and a male power plug, apply power to the board
-Flip the power switch to the EXT position.
-The board should power up and display AAAA (if not, check the solder joints, make sure the Arduino is powered up, connect to the board using the Arduino Serial Monitor at 9600 baud, upon powerup it will display PicoEnigma in the Serial Monitor)
-The board should power up and display AAAA (if not, check the solder joints, make sure the Arduino is powered up, connect to the board using the Arduino Serial Monitor at 9600 baud, upon powerup it will display PicoEnigma in the Serial Monitor)
-Repeatedly push the red menu button until V16 is shown.
-Push one of the buttons adjacent to the 14 Segment Displays.
-The display should change to 8888 (if not, check the solder joints of the buttons)
-The lamp fields LEDs will turn on sequentially (if not, check the solder joints).
-Press each key, the corresponding lamp should turn off. (if not, check solder joints)
-Once all the keys have been pressed, the simulator will return to AAAA, use the buttons above and below each letter to change them. Verify the X and T letters display properly. In addition to 8888, this tests all segments. If one segment is not working, check the solder joints).
-Separate the CPU and Main Boards and clean the solder flux (if using water soluble flux, simply wash the boards under running water while scrubbing with a toothbrush)
-Dry the boards thoroughly, use a blower or canned cleaning duster to blow all the water from under the Arduino, the push buttons and the display.
Once the boards are thoroughly dry (do not rush this step), power them up and repeat the key/led test procedure above. If a key does not work or a single key turns off multiple lamps, dry those keys thoroughly.
-If the boards have mouse bites, this is the time to sand them off. Dry, clean and re-test the boards.
Battery Compartment Assembly:
-Locate the base piece of the case. Insert 4 screws in each corner of the battery compartment.
-Drive the screws in until they barely protrude from the other side.
-The first battery compartment piece has a hex nut opening, this allows retaining washers to be used on the battery door.
-Align the holes on the battery compartment piece on the protruding screws.
-While firmly pressing the battery compartment piece to the case base piece, drive the screws in, one at a time, ensure the battery piece is tight against the base piece. Drive the screws in until they begin to slightly protrude from the battery piece.
-The next battery compartment piece has a small round opening. Drive the screws in.
-The next piece will have a hex nut opening, install a nut in each opening. Drive the screws in.
-Install the rest of the pieces, Drive the screws in.
-Finally, install the flat piece with the single hole. The hole needs to be on the same side as the enigma logo and the power switch. Drive the screws in.
-Once the screws heads reach the case base piece, tighten them until the taper sinks into the base piece but do not over-tighten (hard woods such as walnut crack easily).
-Install a 9V battery on a power plug. Cut off and dispose of the male barrel plug (cut one wire at a time), The wires coming off the battery need to be as long as possible.
-Insert the leads from the battery into the battery compartment hole. Insert the battery into the compartment, wire first, the connector will be on the side opposite the hole.
-Fold the battery leads flat against the top of the battery compartment.
-Fold them down the long side of the battery compartment.
-Install a tie wrap on outside of the battery compartment, holding the battery leads against it. This will prevent pulling on the solder joints if the battery is pulled.
-Put a piece of tape over the battery wires to prevent the keyboard buttons from cutting into them.
-Disconnect the battery
-Solder the battery wires to the CPU Board (separate from main board first).
-Install the battery
-Close the battery compartment.
-Install the 25mm brass standoff on the main board, use the plastic screws to attach them.
-Tie a simple knot on the twist wrap that serves to hold the lid in place. Insert from the bottom of the main board. Apply a drop of glue to the bottom of the board to secure the knot in place.
-Put a piece of tape over the keyboard pins to prevent them from cutting into the battery wire.
-Once the glue dries, connect the Main Board to the CPU Board (the CPU board needs to be connected to be battery compartment at this point). Ensure the Main Board pins are driven all the way into the CPU board headers.
-Using brass screws, secure the standoffs to the case base plate.
-Turn the power switch to the INT position, the simulator should power up, if not, check the battery lead solder joints.
Case Assembly:
-Prepare the lid pieces, remove any remaining laser film.
-Install the screw that will hold the other end of the twist tie on the side piece. The screw should be above the hole in the PCB where the other side of the twist tie is installed. If using hardwoods, drive the screw in half a turn, then remove it and drill out the hole. Walnut cracks easily and if the screw is simply driven in, it will crack the side piece in half. Cut the tip of the screw off and install on the drilled hole.
-Mock assemble the lid piece, making sure the Enigma logo is to the inside and that the piece with the hinge pockets is near the Enigma Logo. The side piece with the screw should be on the left side of the lid, screw facing up.
-Moisten a paper towel and clean your fingers, cleanliness is paramount at this stage to prevent glue from finding its way into a flat surface.
-Lay down some paper towel and put all the lid pieces in their correct positions, The Enigma logo needs to be facing up so that is readable.
-Apply a drop of glue to the inside of each finger joint of a side piece. Insert into the Enigma piece.
-Repeat until all 4 sides are installed.
-Careful of not touching the glue, push all 4 sides tightly.
-Flip the lid face down into a clean piece of paper and push down on it.
-Set aside to dry.
-Repeat the process for the bottom pieces of the case, mock the side pieces and arrange them around the base piece.
-Apply glue the side pieces and install them one at a time.
-Apply pressure to each side piece to ensure there are no gaps around them.
-Install the hinges on the lid.
-Drive the nails in by grabbing them with multi-tool pliers and pushing them into the wood.. Once they are embedded in the wood, use the tip of the pliers to push them in all the way.
-Align the lid with the bottom case and install one nail. Verify the lid aligns with the case.
-Install the rest of the nails.
-Minor lid misalignments can be corrected by gently twisting the lid when closed.
-Connect a power plug on the back of the simulator and observe the lid angle that keeps the lid from touching the power plug.
-Fold the twist tie around the screw in the lid so the lid stays open at that angle. Twist the tie around itself and back around the screw so it does not work itself loose.
-Align and glue a Merkblatt
Click past the break for pictures...
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