Saturday, June 27, 2020

Pico Enigma and Mega Enigma Simulator Test Strings

Test strings to verify the correctness of PicoEnigma and MegaEnigma encryption:

To use the following string, press the menu button and change the machine to one of the models listed below, then paste the string into the Arduino Serial Port Monitor. The !AAA at the beginning changes the wheels to a know position before the lowercase characters are decoded. All of the test strings will result in AAAA when pasted to the correct machine. 

Machine Test String
I A !AAA sqcxf kbqcs rhjmm xtbuf zdmfc piinr dzwcs vutrv rbzus wgfcn cinio
I B !AAA ftzmg isxip jwgdn jjcoq tyrig dmxfi esrwz gtoiu iekkd cshtp yoepv 
I C !AAA twtvp tyixf fppyw svuso lidxh bbdok ztlzn fdube olqxf lhkhw vypem 
M3 B !AAA ftzmg isxip jwgdn jjcoq tyrig dmxfi esrwz gtoiu iekkd cshtp yoepv 
M3 C !AAA twtvp tyixf fppyw svuso lidxh bbdok ztlzn fdube olqxf lhkhw vypem 
M3 D !AAA jgtzx leioy lpwbe hfspo xlbrz zcbgo zfxvf hqjkj fkhmq ndvhr qzczi 
M3 D1 !AAA uipgp ofxtk mkeve tnbwq ohxgu keqoj bzvuc qqufm yfdgj udiuc kfzwq 
M3 D2 !AAA mnkhg vrjgm qrixe nolyc nxvow hdcfx ruqnb zqodc ixppd pdcwb oethu 
M3 D3 !AAA cfomw uxwfg cukke jyzom puzur rosde wsdmt kqqyo jznyi bdrxm ytbpr 
M4 B !AAAA ftzm gisx ipjw gdnj jcoq tyri gdmx fies rwzg toiu iekk dcsh tpyo 
M4 C !AAAA twtv ptyi xffp pyws vuso lidx hbbd okzt lznf dube olqx flhk hwvy 
N !AAA qwscm ijhvv vlrhx igxcw oddwu wzsjq wvfsk kxnqf gjqjn rupge ojrtv 
S !AAA zgdyt swlpz gmjdu zqqzd ewjzj drxpr whwmg jzvek uvnbe ptrkw hgfox 
D !AAAA hlkud thsyv icwnz wwdmw kgeog zyeqi hdtww lzeeu eifjx pgbke hiubr gcufi
K !AAAA inrkj yxuku tpiil mlqrg dofum bxrtz egtki tytpm zdzni usesg zyido 
R !AAAA tepwb pytxx msyid pumxb rqlwo nrzrf pikxr bdzcf oywyj uhumf unykn 
T !AAAA wlznv crjqp pgbdv nxgmg jgxcc iuwor lzcku oukit blizr ctoiu irfnt 
KD K !AAA wchug kzzsf nkioe liwwr ocksi etxxq pzfic euzff cwvsu fwmdg ertbn 
A865 !AAAA egwzq hddmg kuwqt xhuqv xrztx kehje gqtjo jkerw mpdec rttsv puejq 
G111 !AAAA qkuib bgtis ofzts jgmxi efgpi ubeuo bhujy ckssh jtxte wygmv nixec 
G260 !AAAA cknul qypie mmxyg htegz cdlvg tyxdb zgnvs kvqyh glvmz pyceu yczpn 
G312 !AAAA gjuiy cmdgu vttff qpzmx kvctz usobz ldzum hqmjx wtzwm qnnuw idyeq 

The test strings have been verified against Daniel Palloks Universal Enigma Machine Simulator and will also return all A if the wheel changing string !AAAA is removed and only the lowercase characteres are pasted.

To test the strings with either Pico or Mega Enigma using a computer.

1) Plug in either simulator into a computer.

2) Open The Arduino Serial Monitor

3) Press the red button, MACH will be displayed and illuminated in the lamp field

4) Use the up/down keys below the rotors or press K until KD K is displayed.

5) Press the red button repeatedly to exit the menu until all the lights in the lampfield turn off.

6) Copy the whole string on the KD K row: !AAA wchug kz...

7) Paste it into the Serial Monitor, all A will be displayed.

To test the strings with either Pico or Mega Enigma 

1) Press the red button, MACH will be displayed and illuminated in the lamp field

2) Use the up/down keys below the rotors or press K until KD K is displayed.

3) Press the red button repeatedly to exit the menu until all the lights in the lampfield turn off.

4) Start typing the whole string on the KD K row: "wchug kz..."

5) The letter A will be illuminated in the lamp field.

To test the strings with Palloks Universal Enigma:

1) Open this link:

2) On the drop down menu on the top right corner of the page, select KD (rewirable UKWD).

3) On the list above, copy the text on the KD K line starting from wchug kz...

4) Paste it on the input side of the Universal Enigma Machine Simulator. The output panel on the right should display all A.

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